Ultima actualizare în august 2023

E.M.S. Electro Medical Systems S.A., cu sediul social la Chemin de la Vuarpillière 31, 1260 Nyon, Elveția ("Noi" sau "EMS") și afiliații săi se angajează să protejeze și să respecte confidențialitatea dumneavoastră.

Această Politică de confidențialitate stabilește baza pe care procesăm orice date cu caracter personal pe care le colectăm de la dumneavoastră sau pe care ni le furnizați. Datele cu caracter personal pe care le prelucrăm pot fi furnizate în cele din urmă către EMS de către orice membru al grupului nostru, inclusiv de către afiliații noștri, de către holdingul nostru final și de către filialele sale, în scopuri comerciale legitime.

Această politică de confidențialitate se bazează pe principiile directoare prezentate în Regulamentul general european privind protecția datelor ("GDPR") și în Legea federală elvețiană privind protecția datelor ("FADP-CH"). Cu toate acestea, atunci când datele cu caracter personal sunt colectate și procesate de către orice alt membru al grupului nostru, situat în afara Europei, se poate aplica în primul rând legislația locală privind protecția datelor.

Vă rugăm să citiți cu atenție următoarea Politică de confidențialitate pentru a înțelege opiniile și practicile noastre cu privire la datele dvs. personale, modul în care le vom trata și baza pe care acestea vor fi dezvăluite unor terțe părți.

Vizitând site-urile EMS și/sau înregistrându-vă pentru un serviciu și/sau furnizând informații despre dumneavoastră, acceptați și vă dați acordul ca noi să prelucrăm datele dumneavoastră personale în conformitate cu practicile descrise în această Politică de confidențialitate. Site-urile noastre web pot conține linkuri către și de pe site-urile web ale rețelelor noastre partenere, ale agenților de publicitate, ale afiliaților sau către orice alt site web de interes. Dacă urmați un link către oricare dintre aceste site-uri web, vă rugăm să rețineți că aceste site-uri web au propriile lor politici de confidențialitate și că nu ne asumăm nicio responsabilitate sau răspundere pentru aceste politici. Vă rugăm să verificați aceste politici înainte de a trimite orice date personale către aceste site-uri web.



Este posibil să colectăm și să prelucrăm următoarele date despre dvs:

  • Ne puteți furniza informații despre dvs. prin completarea formularelor de pe acest site web sau a formularelor pe suport de hârtie în timpul evenimentelor sau prin corespondența cu noi prin telefon, e-mail, text sau în alt mod. Acestea includ informațiile pe care le furnizați atunci când vă înregistrați pentru a utiliza acest site web, vă abonați la serviciile noastre sau vă înscrieți la buletinele informative. Informațiile pe care ni le furnizați pot include numele dumneavoastră, adresa fizică, adresa de e-mail, informațiile de conectare dacă vă înregistrați la serviciile noastre online, numărul de telefon, limba și țara.
  • De asemenea, este posibil să primim și să prelucrăm date cu caracter personal care vă privesc prin intermediul altor site-uri web pe care le operăm. De asemenea, colaborăm îndeaproape cu terțe părți (inclusiv, de exemplu, parteneri de afaceri, subcontractanți în servicii tehnice și de livrare, rețele de publicitate, furnizori de analiză, furnizori de informații de căutare) și putem primi informații despre dvs. de la aceștia.
  • De asemenea, putem colecta și alte informații pentru a administra site-urile noastre web, cum ar fi informații tehnice, inclusiv adresa IP (Internet Protocol), tipul de browser, furnizorul de servicii de internet (ISP), numărul de clicuri, setarea fusului orar, versiunea browserului, sistemul de operare și paginile pe care le-ați vizitat.
  • Putem prelucra date cu caracter personal despre dvs. colectate în cadrul unei relații contractuale și/sau comerciale, cum ar fi informații de contact, istoricul interacțiunilor noastre cu dvs., achizițiile dvs. de la noi și informații despre utilizarea produselor noastre, adresele de livrare fizică și alte detalii bancare/de plată.
  • De asemenea, putem prelucra și alte tipuri de conținut, cum ar fi mărturii, sondaje și fotografii/video, cu consimțământul dvs. explicit.



We hold and process your personal data only if we have a lawful basis for doing so, such as your consent, when it is necessary for engaging in a contractual relationship with you, to meet our legitimate interests (i.e. direct marketing activities), to comply with legal requirements or if authorized.

EMS may use your personal data for some or all of the following purposes:

  • Marketing communications: to provide you with information about a product or service of ours that we believe could be of interest to you; to provide you with information about other goods and services we offer that are similar to those that you have already used; to tailor the content we display to you. However, you may object to this way of processing your personal data. If you do so, we will stop processing your data for direct marketing purposes.
  • Customer service: to provide you with customer service, to deliver the service and to correspond with you in relation EMS services and products, to notify you about changes to our services, when you choose to do so; to reply to your enquires, complaints and general feedback about our products.
  • Contracts performance and commercial relationship: we may collect and process personal data necessary for the proper performance of a contract to which you are party with EMS. This may include products selling, distribution and after-sales management of our products or services.
  • Website administration: to administer our websites and for internal operations, including product development, troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes; to improve our websites and to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer or for other devices used to access our websites.
  • Behavioral evaluation: we may process personal data in order to perform an evaluation, on a group level, of the general behavior of our customers, for system administration and to report aggregated statistical information about browsing patterns and actions.



EMS does not knowingly collect personal data from children and its websites are not intended for children. If EMS discovers that it has accidentally collected personal data from children it will delete such data immediately.



EMS and any member of our group only retain your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which such data was initially collected and/or in accordance with specific data retention obligations set out by national regulations.

In particular, under Swiss law, the following will apply:

Information on legal transaction between you and EMS is retained for a period of 10 years after the termination of the legal transaction, in accordance with the general limitation period set for civil claims in Switzerland;

Billing information is retained for a period of 10 years after the closing of the accounting year to which they relate, in accordance with the Swiss accounting and taxation laws;

Contact information (names, post and e-mail addresses, phone numbers) used for direct marketing purposes maybe retained for an unlimited period of time, if permissible under the applicable law, unless you ask EMS to delete your information or to stop processing it otherwise.



We may share the personal data you provide to us with any member of our group, including our affiliates, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries for legitimate business purposes.

EMS may perform some of its functions by relying on third-party suppliers to conduct specialized activities, i.e. in order to assist us in improving our websites, marketing our products etc. The personal data that you provide may be shared with these suppliers in order to enable them to perform the agreed tasks. However, these providers are required to exclusively use the received information for the respective services on behalf and as instructed by EMS. EMS will require such third parties, who may be based outside the country from which you have accessed the EMS websites or service, to comply with all relevant data protection and security requirements in relation to your personal data.

EMS will not share your personal data with any third party that intends to use it for their direct marketing purposes.

In the event EMS sells or buys any business or assets, EMS may disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets.

EMS may disclose personal information without your consent if the disclosure is:

  • required or authorized by law
  • required by an enforcement body to investigate unlawful activities
  • where we believe that an emergency, illegal activity or some other reasonable basis exists for notifying the relevant authority



EMS may store your personal data in various locations and eventually benefit of the support of external service providers.

Hereunder is a summary listing:

  • EMS local datacenter(s) at EMS SA and the other EMS Entities
  • EMS cloud-based datacenter(s)
  • Cloud-based (SaaS) systems and online platforms

We will not transfer your data to a recipient located outside the European Economic Area ("EEA"), unless this third country where the recipient is located ensures an adequate level of data protection or we have implemented a lawful contract and data transfer mechanism or any other necessary safeguard.

In case of a transfer outside the EEA or in a country with no adequate level of data protection, we are also required to inform you and, you have the right to request us what kind of appropriate safeguarding measures we have implemented in order to protect your personal data.



EMS establishes the security in accordance with GDPR and FADP-CH. Measures taken by our company related to data security will guarantee an adequate level of protection for risks regarding confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of systems and data.

We have implemented security measures to ensure that your personal information is kept secure and our websites and IT systems have security mechanisms in place to help protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under control.

We limit access to personal data about you to our employees and third-party agents, who we reasonably believe need to have access to your information to provide you with the information or services your request from us.

Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to access certain parts of our websites, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential.

However, no method of transmission over the internet is 100% secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of the transmission of your data to our systems. Any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorized access.



You may contact us and request access anytime to your personal data. We will provide you with a copy of your personal information upon request.

You may request us to correct any inaccuracies in your personal data.

You may ask us to delete the information we have on your account. However, we must keep track of certain transaction information, for legal compliance purposes, so we may not be able to fully delete your information in certain circumstances.

You may ask us to be unsubscribed from marketing communications at any time. If you wish to unsubscribe from marketing communications, you may do so by clicking the unsubscribe link provided in each e-mail.

You have the right to be informed of any automated decision-making process, including profiling, we may decide to perform.

Where in your opinion the processing of your personal data infringes EU data protection law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant authority in the country where you are based or any place in the EU where you believe the infringement has occurred.

You can exercise your rights at any time by contacting us at the address indicated below.



For detailed information regarding cookies and data protection, please consult our dedicate page called “Cookie Policy” on our company website.



EMS reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. We encourage you to regularly visit our websites to make sure you are aware of any changes to this Privacy Policy. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you here, by e-mail or by means of a notice on our homepage.

The date at the top of this page indicates when this privacy policy was last updated.



If you have any questions, comments or requests regarding your personal data, please send us an e-mail to the following address: privacy@ems-ch.com or contact us at:

E.M.S. Electro Medical Systems S.A
Data Protection Officer
Chemin de la Vuarpillière 31
1260 Nyon, Switzerland

You can also use our Data Subject Access Request page for any request related to privacy or personal information.