EMS in the press. See what the press says about EMS and GBT.

Result: 202

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2024 Dagmar Kromer-Busch

Das GBT-Protokoll in der kieferorthopädischen Prophylaxe

Dagmar Kromer-Busch Kieferorthopädische Nachrichten 5/24
Cover Ortho KN
2024 Dr. med. dent. Jan Hermann Koch

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) is en blijft de absolute favoriet

Dr. med. dent. Jan Hermann Koch dentista magazine
cover GBT NL sima
2024 Dr. Emilio Rodríguez Fernández

Mantenimiento profesional del paciente implantado con el protocolo GBT (Guided Biofilm Therapy)

Dr. Emilio Rodríguez Fernández, Eliana Ottaviano, Dr. Yari Rodríguez Fernández Maxilarias
cover es maxilaris
2024 Dr. Emilio Rodríguez Fernández

Professional maintenance of a patient with an implant using the GBT (Guided Biofilm Therapy) protocol

Dr. Emilio Rodríguez Fernández, Eliana Ottaviano, Dr. Yari Rodríguez Fernández Maxilarias
cover ENG maxilarias regina
2024 Dr. med. dent. Jan Hermann Koch


Dr. med. dent. Jan Hermann Koch paroknowledge 2024
cover paorokonowledge 2024
2024 Dr. Neha Dixit

Mundhygiene als Teil des Prophylaxe-Konzepts

Dr. Neha Dixit Wir in der Zahnarztpraxis 03/2024
cover neha wizp
2024 Dr. Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) in der nichtchirurgischen Therapie periimplantärer Erkrankungen

Dr. Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf, Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf teamwork 3/24
cover teamwork bastenodrf
2024 Dr. Neha Dixit

Oral hygiene as part of the prophylaxis concept

Dr. Neha Dixit Wir in der Zahnarztpraxis, Springer
cover motivation eng
2024 Dr. Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf

SPT: Hand instruments vs ultrasonic vs AIRFLOW® a literature update

Dr. Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf, Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf Prophylaxe Impuls 2/24
cover bastendorf spt
2024 Dr. Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf

GBT in non-surgical therapy of peri-implant diseases - A proven concept for the dental practice

Dr. Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf, Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf teamwork 3/24
cover bastendorf a proven concept


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