EMS in the press. See what the press says about EMS and GBT.

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2024 Dagmar Kromer-Busch

Interview with GBT certified practice Dr. Mattiola & Partner, Wohlen, Switzerland

Dagmar Kromer-Busch DENTASTIC 01/24
cover mattiola eng
2024 Dr. Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf

Die einzelnen Schritte der systematischen Prophylaxe und deren Bedeutung am Beispiel der Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT)

Dr. Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf, Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf prophylaxe impuls 2/24
covr pi 324
2024 Dr. Marcel Donnet

Die besondere Rolle des Prophylaxepulvers in der professionellen Zahnreinigung – Pulver ist nicht gleich Pulver

Dr. Marcel Donnet Quintessenz Zahnmedizin, Jahrgang 75 - Ausgabe 1 - Januar 2024
cover Pulver donnet
2024 Dr. Marcel Donnet

The special role of prophylaxis powder in professional mechanical plaque removal – because powder isn’t simply powder

Dr. Marcel Donnet Quintessenz Zahnmedizin, Volume 75 - Issue 1 - January 2024
Cover Marcel powder
2024 The British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy

Dental Health on Tour: BSDHT visited EMS head office in Nyon, Switzerland

The British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy Dental Health Vol. 63 No3 of 6 May 2024
cover BSDHT on Tour

GBT in orthodontic preventive treatment: “The cleaning effect is better and it is much more pleasant for the patients”

Die Zahnarzt Woche, 17/2024, 24 April 2024
cover ortho interview
2023 fan 01/23

Practice makes Perfect - Swiss Dental Academy (SDA)

fan 01/23, Dr. Jan Koch Courtesy , fan - fachassistenz news 01/23
cover fan practice makes perfect
2023 Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf

GBT - Universally applicable and yet individual

Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Prof. Adrian Lussi Dental Magazin, MAY 2023, Special Print
cover eng dm sp gbt
2023 EMS

La mia esperienza GBT: la testimonianza della dott.ssa Maria Laura Cuzzocrea

Abbiamo avuto l’occasione di intervistare la Dott.ssa Maria LauraCuzzocrea, odontoiatra specialista in ortodonzia e di raccogliere la suatestimonianza in merito a come la sua pratica clinica sia miglioratagrazie all'introduzione, nel 2017, del protocollo GBT: come ha potutonotare i benefici, non solo immediati, che la Guided Biofilm Therapyha apportato nella sua vita professionale e perché ritiene che ilprotocollo GBT sia parte integrante della sua routine quotidiana per ipazienti ortodontici.

EMS Dental Tribune
La testimonianza della Dott.ssa Cuzzocrea
2023 Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf

GBT – Aplicable universalmente y, sin embargo, individual

Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Prof. Adrian Lussi Dental Magazin 2023
cover dm spanisch


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