- With GBT we intend to eliminate all the Biofilm, also in the difficult to access areas.
- If Biofilm is made visible, it is removed much faster with GBT.
- What you see is what you remove. Color removal = Biofilm removal. Also on soft tissues.
- The users of hand instruments, rubber cups and “polishing” paste do not like to disclose biofilm as they would need much more time to finish the treatment.
- The German Stiftung Warentest reported that the conventional prophylaxis only removes 50% of Biofilm in the difficult to access areas. Colored teeth and gums will also motivate the patient to do a better homecare – OHI.
Highlight to patients the disclosed biofilm and their problematic areas. The color will guide the biofilm removal with AIRFLOW® PLUS Powder. Once biofilm is removed, calculus is easier to detect.
- Pre-soaked pellets for 2 tone biofilm disclosure: Reddish for new biofilm - Blue for mature biofilm
- 250 Disclosing Pellets
REF: DV-158
Check the availability in your country with your GBT expert