europerio peri-implantitis dental


Based on the latest scientific outcomes from the most recognized specialists in peri-implant diseases around the world, a new 3D movie depicts bacteria to proteins at micro-and submicroscopic levels.  Peri-implantitis and its Prevention in 3D, was created by dentistry’s finest: Prof. Tord Berglundh, Prof. Søren Jepsen, Prof. Bernd Stadlinger, and Prof. Iain Chapple to ignite the audiences’ minds.  The film is a marvelous way to develop and promote a fascination with science and has made the invisible visible.  All can agree, the film has simplified the complex world involving implants and oral diseases.  Patient education and awareness are universally accepted as vital elements in the preservation of implants and Peri-implantitis and its Prevention in 3D is leading the way.

“It’s such an example of communication, where you have access to reach out to the broad community of dentistry… [T]he perfect tool where people working … in practice can [take advantage of] science being communicated in a very accessible manner…”, Professor Tord Berglundh, Gothenburg.


“The film premiere was really bombastic, knowledge transfer with excellent animations.”, Prof. Søren Jepsen.

implant europerio


What is peri-implantitis and how can we avoid contracting it?  The answer is biofilm.  Biofilm needs to be managed and removed regularly, as it is the driving factor behind peri-implant diseases.  Unregulated biofilm growth leads to a loss of bone support around implants and carries a high likelihood of total implant loss. 

“[T]he holobionts concept is one in which the human being lives with its own bacteria.  We are more bacteria than we are human cells… so we live in a symbiosis.  [T]he host cells (human cells) live with the bacteria cells in harmony and that’s what keeps us healthy.  Where things go wrong, is where the symbiosis changes and if we allow, in the mouth, plaque bacteria to accumulate then sometimes the destructive bacteria emerge within that biofilm … and we end up producing damage to our own tissues.”, Prof. Iain Chapple.

Effective prevention and management of peri-implant diseases can include the use of AIRFLOW® for biofilm and young calculus supra- and subgingivally located up to 4mm, then PERIOFLOW® to access 5mm-9mm pockets, ending with PIEZON® for biofilm located up to 10mm below the gum line.

Previous to Peri-implantitis and its Prevention in 3D, promoting public understanding of the science around implant diseases and its effects lacked the creative juice necessary to impart 360◦ knowledge. Now, this powerful 3D film has simplified the complex world of oral microbiology and immunology and has made it accessible for all to gain further insight into prevention and prophylaxis.  The imagery and animation of micro and submicroscopic bacteria and proteins align with how our brain operates and interprets information.

”Our brain thinks in three dimensions and the film enables us to understand images on different levels… [We get the practitioner’s eye, clinician’s understanding and the biology of the healing process].”, Professor Bernd Stadlinger, Zurich.