EMS in the press. See what the press says about EMS and GBT.

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2021 Céline Furrer

Acceptation des patients après passage à la « Guided Biofilm Therapy »

Acceptation des patients après passage à la « Guided Biofilm Therapy », Swiss Dental Journal 03/2021

Céline Furrer, Regula Bättig, Ivana Votta, Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Patrick R. Schmidlin Swiss Dental Journal
cover GBT
2021 Adrian Lussi

Guided Biofilm Therapy: domande e risposte sulla soluzione sistematica per la gestione del biofilm

Adrian Lussi Prevention
2021 Dr. Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf

Update Airflow-Technologie, Plaque N Care 03/2021

Dr. Nadine Strafela-Bastendorf, Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf PLAQUE N CARE 03/2021
coper pnc airflow
2021 Céline Furrer

Patientenakzeptanz nach Umstellung auf «Guided Biofilm Therapy»

Patientenakzeptanz nach Umstellung auf «Guided Biofilm Therapy», Swiss Dental Journal 03/2021

Céline Furrer, Regula Bättig, Ivana Votta, Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Patrick R. Schmidlin Swiss Dental Journal
Cover d
2021 Marie-Claude Ekstand

Alla conquista del biofilm sui brackets

Il protocollo GBT consente la rapida eliminazione del biofilm e del tartaro nei pazienti con apparecchi ortodontici.

Marie-Claude Ekstand Dental Tribune
2021_02_Dental Tribune
2021 Bernd Schunk

Neun Quadratmenter für das Prophylaxe-Konzept, zm-online

Bernd Schunk zm-online
cover zm online gbt lounge
2021 Dr Annamaria Sordillo

Why is PIEZON® PS Instrument my tool of choice?

Calculus removal is an essential step for periodontal disease prevention and treatment. Ultrasonic scaling saves us from long hours of manual scaling and achieves superior results.1 Along with the the micro-vibrations’ mechanical action, ultrasonic scalers generate acoustic streaming and cavitation in the cooling water flowing along the tip, helping the debridement. However, not all ultrasonic scalers
are the same. The EMS PIEZON®, a piezo-ceramic ultrasonic device, is well known and widely used because of the gentle yet very effective treatment that it delivers. Here are some reasons why PIEZON® is also my absolute favourite tool.

Dr Annamaria Sordillo CRITICAL DENTAL
Cover Piezon
2021 EMS

S.O.S. Save Our Smiles: rafforzare il sistema immunitario e preservare il sorriso

Soprattutto durante la pandemia Covid-19, la salute orale è più importante che mai. Con la campagna "S.O.S. Save our Smiles", EMS ora mette in guardia esplicitamente dai pericoli derivanti dall’uso di prodotti cosiddetti "compatibili", copiati o contraffatti.

EMS Dental Tribune
2021_03_Dental Tribune
2021 Dr. Jan H. Koch

Nur bei vollständig entferntem Biofilm sind wir sicher

Dr. Jan H. Koch today
cover Einmann today
2021 Andreas Schulz

Lighting the way with GBT

Andreas Schulz General Manager EMS in Australia and New Zealand, Rely on Us
Cover HS Australia


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